Precision, strategy and power – these are the key elements of golf. However, there is one key that allows lower scores according to the strokes gained system: power. At GOLFPREP, we know that every golfer, whether they be a seasoned professional or an enthusiastic amateur, shares the dream of adding length to their drive. I wrote this article to help you realise an increased club head speed through effective training using tested methods, tools and fitness training is entirely possible.
The fine line between technique and power really is the true foundation of any speed training program. Too many have this preconceived idea that to really generate club head speed, one has to swing his hardest. However, the truth is that true club head speed emanates from efficiency and consistency. Brendon Elliott, PGA Professional, warned that if one were to ignore technique in favour of pure speed, it would develop into bad mechanics and probable injury.
Scott Shepard, one of the world’s top golf performance coaches, says it’s about “owning the positions of the golf swing” before speed training. To do that, Shepard works a lot on exercises that turn on the right muscles in the right positions for the golf swing. These are not only exercises for working on the strength of your swing positions but also are specific to the stability required to drive the transfer of power.
For every level of golfer, from juniors to seniors, there are some differences in training. The key objectives for seniors would be safety and injury prevention, and, for the youth, developing speed without ingraining bad habits. At GOLFPREP, our customised personal training sessions fix your unique needs squarely in our crosshairs to progress safely and effectively. Whether you’re lacking strength, mobility or simply new to training, our private sessions are geared perfectly to your needs. For more information on our Private Sessions, click here.
Medicine balls and resistance bands can be very useful during speed training due to their dynamic functions in developing power. Light medicine balls can train the power of the swing through such activities as throwing or slamming the ball into the ground. Emphasis would be on the arms, not the trunk, when performing such activities. The drill helps to improve the speed you can deliver your arms and hands to impact – critical for developing club head speed. Resistance bands are vitally important in replicating overload on specific actions of golf swing. The resistance bands make sure that your body is strengthened for the said action at the top of the backswing or impact position, which allows perfect stability and efficiency to transfer power. This is the key to producing and maintaining high club head speeds.
At GOLFPREP, we bring these tools together in your training sessions, along with the revolutionary SuperSpeed Golf Training System, which is documented to increase swing speed by an average of 8.2 mph in just six weeks. The SuperSpeed system uses three speed training clubs—one lighter and one heavier than your regular driver—to train your brain and muscles to move faster. This ensures that as your speed develops, it transfers directly to your performance on the course.
Probably one of the most frustrating things about speed training is going through a spell of plateauing. According to Mike Carroll, a golf fitness expert, after the initial period of 4-8 weeks, where most golfers experienced very fast improvement, progress slows dramatically. Now, this plateau should not be construed as a dead end; rather, it should represent a stepping stone towards refinement and the next level of training.
Enter progressive overload – a proven method that gradually increases the intensity and volume of your training to push through plateaus. This could be increasing the number of swings in a session or adding in more advanced drills. The key is to continue putting specific stress on the muscles, so that they adapt to get stronger.
You also need variety in your training. By subtly changing your drills, you provide your body with new stimuli that can ultimately reignite progress. This can mean a change in the frequency of sessions or the equipment used; even a slight adjustment in swing technique could make all the difference. At GOLFPREP, our Golf Group Fitness Classes include these principles so that you can train alongside other golfers who are also trying to improve their swing speed and distance. If you’re looking to diversify your training and develop all-round fitness, come and take part in our Golf group fitness classes. These are specifically designed to augment golf training by increasing flexibility, strength, and stamina.
Jacob Bowden, World Long Drive competitor and speed-training expert, believes that specificity is necessary in terms of training. His methods are all based on working the muscles exactly as they are used during the golf swing and thus ensuring that any developed speed can directly translate to your game.
Bowden recommends training with tools such as resistance bands and light clubs, mimicking the golf swing from the top of the backswing down to impact, but with resistance that is gradually added to build up speed. Isometric-type training does not alter your swing mechanics; however, it is an activity that genuinely strengthens the muscles one uses in the execution of your swing, enabling you to swing faster without sacrificing your form.
At GOLFPREP, we agree with this philosophy. We don’t give you a cookie cutter program, we give personalised training that is specific to you and your golf. We help you to create real, sustainable gains in club head speed for better performance and lower scores by keeping focus on your specific needs.
The system works, and it’s easy to see with the data they provide. In our testing and that of others, we have seen average increases in swing speed by golfers of 8% – more distance off the tee and lower scores on the course. Whether you’re an amateur looking to shave strokes off your game or an experienced player wanting to maintain your edge, the SuperSpeed system offers a reliable path to improvement.
By integrating SuperSpeed into your regular training routine, along with our tailored TPI screens and private lessons, you will be working on your overall game. The very structured protocols of the SuperSpeed system set you on a routine and, hence, ensure that you indeed follow the training to get predictable results from it. Our TPI Screens generate a personalised mobility program for you to follow at home or on the course. It identifies your swing characteristics and aims to fix them through a tailored program made just for you. Learn more about our TPI Assessment Screens here.
Want actual results? Get inside the ultimate 6-Week Speed Challenge at GOLFPREP. This is an intense program that’s going to burn some serious rubber, increasing your swing speed, enhancing power, and getting the ball flying further than ever in as little as six weeks. You’ll enjoy a complimentary 6 week GOLFPREP membership, daily swing speed coaching sessions, using the latest training tools from SuperSpeed, and get community support from like-minded golfers.
Sign up for the 6-Week Speed Challenge here and start increasing your swing speed today for a faster, more powerful swing.
It’s not just about swinging harder; it’s about training smarter. Train technique; incorporate great tools like medicine balls, resistance bands, and SuperSpeed products in a workout program that ensures progressive overload and variation if you want to unlock new levels of performance on the course.
GOLFPREP is dedicated to seeing you reach your golfing aspirations. Our highly trained coaches walk you through a personalised training program focused on safety, efficiency, and improvements that get results. Whether you’re just starting or trying to break through your plateau, GOLFPREP is there to help you find your best swing AND best body yet.
Resources USED
- Elliott, B. (2023). Five Tips to Boost Your Swing Speed. PGA.
- Carroll, M. (2022). Club Head Speed Training: Individualisation & Overcoming Plateaus. Strength and Conditioning Research.
- Melton, Z. (2021). How to Add 15 mph of Club head Speed in Just 30 Days, According to a Speed-Training Guru.
- SuperSpeed Golf. OverSpeed Training System. SuperSpeed Golf Training System Overview and User Experiences.